Please Visit Our New Site For The Most
Up-To-Date Information and Home Sales at

The Foley Grove


New Clubhouse


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Grove clubhouse 720 

Grove clubhouse side 720


Grove pool and clubhouse 72

Grove pool side 720

Grove pool zoomedout 720 


New Pickleball, Tennis, and Basketball Courts.

Grove shuffleboard 720

Grove street 720

 Our popular Zephyr model home is ready and waiting for you.
Call or stop in today.

Model Home in Phase 3


Click here to see Home Sales

 Phase 3 header


We are excited to announce construction has begun on Phase III. 
So, if you ever thought of moving into The Grove now is the time.

 01 The Grove Full Site Map


 Phase III with Roads


01 Phase 3 with Roads
Photo Credit:  
Diana Nichols